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Seismic Design Handbook - by Farzad Naiem [MF]

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The Seismic Design Handbook is a primary resource for both researchers and teachers in the field of earthquake-resistant design. The first edition of this handbook was received with much enthusiasm. It is the de-facto textbook for teaching seismic design principles at many major universities. In the United States, UC Berkeley, Stanford, UCLA, University of Southern California, SUNY Buffalo, the University of Illinois, Washington University, the University of Texas at Austin, Georgia Tech, Cornell, and the University of Michigan have adopted the text. Abroad, the Imperial College of London and the Israel Institute of Technology are among its adopters. This second edition contains up-to-date information on planning, analysis, and design of earthquake-resistant building structures. Its intention is to provide engineers, architects, developers, and students of structural engineering and architecture with authoritative, yet practical, design information. It bridges the gap between advances in the theories and concepts of seismic design and their implementation in practice. This handbook has been endorsed by the International Conference of Building Officials. It contains a CD-ROM with applicable building code references and recommended practices. Audience: The Seismic Design Handbook is a must for practicing engineers, architects, building officials, developers, teachers, and students in the field of earthquake-resistant building design. Its distinguished panel of contributors is made up of 22 experts from industry and universities, recognized for their knowledge and extensive practical experience in their fields.

Book Description
ISBN-10: 0792373014 | ISBN-13: 978-0792373018 | Publication Date: March 31, 2001 | Edition: 2nd

Product Details
• Hardcover: 848 pages
• Publisher: Springer; 2nd edition (March 31, 2001)
• Language: English

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