Book Description
ISBN-10: 0130869732 | ISBN-13: 978-0130869739 | Publication Date: September 11, 2000 | Edition: 2
This second edition includes many topics encompassing the theory of structural dynamics and the application of this theory regarding earthquake analysis, response, and design of structures. Covers the inelastic design spectrum to structural design; energy dissipation devices; Eurocode; theory of dynamic response of structures; structural dynamics theory; and more. Ideal for readers interested in Dynamics of Structures and Earthquake Engineering.
Since the first edition of this book was published in 1975, major advances have been made in the subject "Dynamics Of Structures." While it would be impossible to give a comprehensive treatment of all such changes in this second edition, those considered tobe of most practical significance are included.
The general organization of text material remains unchanged from the first edition. Itprogresseslogicallyfromatreatmentofsingle-degree-of-freedomsystems tomulti-degree-of-freedomdiscrete-parametersystemsandthenontoinfinite-degree- of-freedom continuous systems. The concept of force equilibrium, which forms the basis of static analysis of structures, is retained so that the experienced engineer can easily make the transition to performing a dynamic analysis. It is essential therefore that the student of structural dynamics have a solid background in the theories of
statics of structures, including matrix methods, and it is assumed that the readers of this text have such preparation.
Product Details
• Hardcover: 844 pages
• Publisher: Prentice Hall; 2 edition (September 11, 2000)
• Language: English
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