Product details
• Hardcover: 608 pages
• Publisher: Thomas Telford Ltd (9 Oct 2000)
• Language English
Product Description
This book examines alternative design procedures for plain and piled raft foundations. Chapters are written by leading consultants and contractors from around the world who draw on their extensive experience in the UK and overseas. It explores the broad assumptions that are made in the analysis of soil - structure interaction, together with the associated calculation methods. In particular, the book contains extensive references to recent work on the subject, and gives many examples of project applications covering a wide range of structural forms and ground conditions. In some cases, predicted foundation behaviour is compared with field performance.
Table of Contents
* Concrete industrial ground slabs * Development of design charts for concrete pavements and industrial ground slabs * Concrete pavements for airports * Non-destructive evaluation of concrete pavement properties * Design of raft foundations on Winkler springs * Raft foundations for two Middle East tower blocks * Project design examples of shallow foundations * Industrial chimney foundations * Soil - structure interaction in design * Design of two raft foundations for buildings in London * Case histories of rafts in civil engineering * Calculation methods for raft foundations in Germany * Behaviour of piled raft foundation for tall building in Japan * Piled raft foundation for New Bibliotheca Alexandria * Practical design procedures for piled raft foundations * Raft foundations with disconnected settlement-reducing piles * Developments in raft analysis and design
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