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ACI318-08 & PCA Notes on ACI318-08 [MF]

Unknown | 00:00 | 0 nhận xét

The fi rst edition of this reference manual was developed to aid users in applying the provisions of the 1971
edition of “Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-71).” The second through fi fth
editions updated the material in conformity with provisions of the 1977 code edition, the 1980 code supplement,
and the 1983 and 1989 code editions, respectively. The sixth through ninth editions addressed the 1995, 1999,
2002, and 2005 editions of “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-95), (ACI 318-
99), (ACI 318-02) and (ACI 318-05).” Through nine editions, much of the initial material has been revised to
better emphasize the subject matter, and new chapters added to assist the designer in proper application of the
ACI 318 design provisions.
This tenth edition refl ects the contents of “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08).”
The text and design examples have been revised to refl ect, where possible, comments received from users of
the “Notes” who suggested improvements in wording, identifi ed errors, and recommended items for inclusion
or deletion.
The primary purpose for publishing this manual is to assist the engineer and architect in the proper application of
the ACI 318-08 design standard. The emphasis is placed on “how-to-use” the code. For complete background
information on the development of the code provisions, the reader is referred to the “Commentary on Building
Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318R-08)” which, starting with the 1989 edition, has been
published together with the code itself under the same cover.
This manual is also a valuable aid to educators, contractors, materials and products manufacturers, building code
authorities, inspectors, and others involved in the design, construction, and regulation of concrete structures.
Although every attempt has been made to impart editorial consistency to the thirty-four chapters, some
inconsistencies probably still remain. A few typographical and other errors are probably also to be found.
PCA would be grateful to any reader who would bring such errors and inconsistencies to our attention. Other suggestions for improvement are also most sincerely welcome.

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