2nd Edition, 2002, A. A. Balkema Publishers, Rot-terdam. No. of pages: 967. Price: EUR 95, US$95.
The second edition of this comprehensive book on
structural dynamics consists of 17 chapters with
the following titles:
1 Introduction
2 Formulation of the equations of motion: single-degree-of-freedom systems
3 Formulation of the equations of motion: multi-degree-of-freedom systems
4 Principles of analytical mechanics
5 Free-vibration response: single-degree-of-free-dom system
6 Forced harmonic vibrations: single-degree-of-freedom system
7 Response to general dynamic loading and
transient response
8 Analysis of single-degree-of-freedom sys-tems: approximate and numerical methods
9 Analysis of response in the frequency domain
10 Free-vibration response: multi-degree-of-free-dom systems
11 Numerical solution of the eigenproblem
12 Forced dynamic response: multi-degree-of-freedom systems
13 Analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom systems:
approximate and numerical methods
14 Formulation of the equations of motion: con-tinuous systems
15 Continuous systems: free-vibration response
16 Continuous systems: forced-vibration re-sponse
17 Wave propagation analysis
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