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CRSI Design Handbook 2008, 10th Edition [MF]

Unknown | 21:20 | 0 nhận xét
CRSI Design Handbook 2008, 10th Edition

The 2008 CRSI Design Handbook has been the reference book for cast-in-place reinforced concrete design since 1952. The 10th edition of the CRSI Design Handbook provides the necessary information needed for common reinforced concrete structural members such as columns, beams, footings, pile caps, retaining walls, and floor systems.
The entire Handbook is updated to include the Unified Design concepts presented in ACI 318-08, Section 10.3 and load factors in Section 9.2.
Among the revisions in the new edition:
• Information on headed bar development (ACI 318-08, Section 12.6)
• One-way joist tables have been enhanced to 5 and 5½ in. slabs in recognition of increased fire resistance
• The CD version of the Handbook has expanded column tables incorporating spirally reinforced round columns
• Consistent treatment of earth loads in the retaining wall chapter (Chapter 14)
• Comes with a companion CD, allowing the ability to search and print specific tables for incorporation into calculations
If you're looking for one of the best books for cast-in-place reinforced concrete, look no further.

1. Basis and Use of Tabulated Designs
2. Strength Design of Columns
3. Square and Rectangular Columns
4. Round-Tied Columns
5. Strength Design of Flexural Members and Development and Splice Design Data for Reinforcing Bars
6. Serviceability Requirements
7. One-Way Slabs
8. One-Way Concrete Joist Construction
9. Solid Two-Way Flat Plates - Square Panels
10. Two-Way Sold Flat Slabs - Square Panels with Drops
11. Waffle Flat Slabs - Square Panels
12. Beams
13. Square Spread Footings, Pile Caps and Drilled Piers
14. Cantilevered Retaining Walls

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Steel-Reinforced Concrete Structures: Assessment and Repair of Corrosion [MF]

Unknown | 21:19 | 0 nhận xét
Steel-Reinforced Concrete Structures: Assessment and Repair of Corrosion

A practical guide to the maintenance of concrete structures, this book provides procedures for corrosion diagnosis and determining the appropriate methods for repair, as well as an economic model for on-site decision making. It includes new ways of protecting steel-reinforced bars and the latest methods for repairing them. The author explains the importance of implementing an integrity management system to provide for a comprehensive maintenance strategy and concludes with coverage of the traditional, time-tested, and advanced repair techniques. A special feature is a chapter focusing on the advance maintenance plan philosophy and risk-based maintenance for reinforced concrete structures.

Title: Steel-Reinforced Concrete Structures: Assessment and Repair of Corrosion
* Size: 7Mb
* Format: PDF
* Hardcover: 216 pages
* Publisher: CRC (2007-10-22)
* ISBN-10: 1420054309
* ISBN-13: 9781420054309

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Design of Prestressed Concrete [MF]

Unknown | 21:15 | 0 nhận xét
Design of Prestressed Concrete

The design of structures in general, and prestressed concrete structures in particular, requires considerably more information than is contained in building codes. A sound understanding of structural behaviour at all stages of loading is essential. The aim of this book is to present a detailed description and explanation of the behaviour of prestressed concrete members and structures both at service loads and at ultimate loads and, in doing so, provide a comprehensive guide to design. The design criteria and procedures contained in several major building codes, including ACI 318–83, BS 8110:1985, and AS 3600–1988, are also presented.
Each aspect of the analysis and design of fully prestressed and partially prestressed concrete members is approached from first principles and illustrated by numerous worked
examples. The text is written for senior undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil and structural engineering, and also for practising structural engineers.

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Long-Term Performance of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel in Heavy Salt- Contaminated Concrete [MF]

Unknown | 21:13 | 0 nhận xét
Long-Term Performance of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel in Heavy Salt- Contaminated Concrete
Author: Seung-Kyoung Lee, Paul D. Krauss | Size: 4.16 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: HFWA | Year: 2004 | pages: 133

This report describes long-term natural weathering exposure testing of the remaining 31 post-Southern Exposure (SE) test slabs that were not autopsied during the 1993–1998 Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) research project. The samples were exposed from September 1998 to December 2002 at an outdoor test yard in Northbrook, IL. The 1993– 1998 research program involved testing more than 52 different bar materials and, consequently, 12 different bar types were selected for long-term durability tests in concrete exposed to the very aggressive SE test, which involved alternating wetting with 15 weight percent NaCl solution and drying cycles for 96 weeks. Periodic macrocell corrosion current between top and bottom mats and short-circuit potential data were collected during the exposure test rogram. p Upon termination of the test program, autopsy and subsequent laboratory analysis was performed on the test slabs. The test results confirmed that the black bars produced the highest mean macrocell current density (least corrosion resistant) among various combinations of test variables regardless of slab configuration, and that the stainless steel bars exhibited negligible mean macrocell current density. In general, bent epoxy-coated reinforcing bar (ECR) in the top mat, coupled with black bars in the bottom mat, performed the worst among all ECR cases. The straight top-mat ECRs’ macrocell current density varied from 7 to 40 percent of the highest black bar case, depending on the size of initial coating damage and type of bar in the bottom mat. ECR used in the top mat alone reduced the corrosion susceptibility to at least 50 percent of the black bar case, even when it contained coating damage and was connected to the black bar bottom mat. In contrast, if straight ECRs in the top mat were connected to ECRs in the bottom mat, the mean macrocell current density was no greater than 2 percent of the highest black bar case even when rebar coatings had defects, and approach the corrosion resistant level of stainless steel reinforcement. Such improved corrosion resistance can be attributed to (1) reduction in cathodic area; (2) higher electrical resistance; and (3) reduced cathodic reaction. Whenever an ECR slab with negligible macrocell current density was autopsied, the appearance of the extracted ECR and concrete/bar interface was excellent with no sign of corrosion. However, when ECRs specimens with high macrocell current densities were autopsied, they revealed coating deterioration due to corrosion and exhibited numerous hairline cracks and/or blisters in conjunction with reduced adhesion, coating disbondment (permanent adhesion loss), and underlying steel corrosion. No consistent trend was found between the level of macrocell current density and the extent of coating adhesion loss. The present test results and the earlier FHWA studies indicate that adhesion appeared to be a poor indicator of long-term performance of the coated bars in chloride contaminated concrete; it is concluded that there is no direct relationship between loss of adhesion and the effectiveness of ECR to mitigate corrosion

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Guide to Concrete Repair [MF]

Unknown | 21:11 | 0 nhận xét
Guide to Concrete Repair
Size: 8,94 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: U.S. Department of the Interior | pages: 168

This guide contains the expertise of numerous individuals who have directly assisted the author on many concrete repair projects or freely shared their concrete repair knowledge whenever requested.
Their substantial contributions to the preparation of this guide are acknowledged and appreciated. Some of the material in this guide originated in the various editions of Reclamation’s Concrete Manual. The author edited, revised, or updated this information for inclusion herein. Individuals who have been especially helpful to the author include James E. Backstrom, former Reclamation
engineer, mentor, and friend, deceased; Edward M. Harboe, Reclamation engineer, retired; U. Marlin Cash, Reclamation technician, deceased; Dennis O. Arney, Reclamation technician, retired; G.W. DePuy, Reclamation engineer, former supervisor and friend, retired; and Kurt D. Mitchell, Reclamation technician. Dr. Dave Harris, Manager, Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory, obtained much of the funding to prepare this guide; Kurt F. Von Fay, Civil Engineer, Materials Engineering and Research Laboratories, performed the peer review; James E. McDonald, Structures Laboratory, Waterways Experiment Station, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, provided editorial reviews of selected information and many useful sug-gestions and participated with the author in several cooperative Reclamation—U.S. Corps of Engineers concrete repair programs. The assistance of these and numerous other engineers and technicians is gratefully acknowledged

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Durable Concrete Structures: CEB Design Guide [MF]

Unknown | 21:09 | 0 nhận xét
Comit E Euro-International Du B Eton "Durable Concrete Structures: CEB Design Guide"
Thomas Telford Publishing | English | 1992-08 | ISBN: 0727735497 | 112 pages | File type: PDF | 17,1 mb

This practical design guide allies basic technical knowledge with current engineering experience of the durability of concrete and concrete structures, presenting appropriate solutions for different environmental conditions. It is intended for practising design and construction engineers who need to understand the most important deterioration processes and their governing parameters. The book presents simplified models of degradation mechanism, influencing factors and practical solutions.

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River Mechanics [MF]

Unknown | 21:08 | 0 nhận xét
River Mechanics

Book Description
In a comprehensive analysis of rivers, this text scrutinizes select methods underlining both theory and engineering applications, emphasizing the mechanics of flood wave propagation and sediment transport. It covers fundamental principles, engineering analysis, and engineering design, with problems, examples, and case studies. Channel stability and river dynamics are examined, as are riverbank stabilization and engineering methods. Separate chapters cover physical and mathematical models. The text is essential reading for the theory behind and the design of measures to reduce flood impact and bank erosion, improve navigation, and increase water supply to cities and irrigation canals. For advanced students, researchers, and practitioners. 

Product Details
• Paperback: 456 pages
• Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (August 19, 2002)
• Language: English

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Small Scale Modelling of Concrete Structures [MF]

Unknown | 21:07 | 0 nhận xét
F A Noor and L.F. Boswell, "Small Scale Modelling of Concrete Structures"
Spon | 1990 | ISBN: 1851666710 | 357 pages | CHM | 8,5 MB

This book is a comprehensive guide to the techniques and materials for accurate small-scale modelling with chapters by leading international researchers and engineers. In particular, impact, earthquake and dynamic problems are presented for the first time covering reinforced and pre-stressed concrete.

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Durability of Strain-Hardening Fibre-Reinforced Cement-Based Composites [MF]

Unknown | 21:05 | 0 nhận xét
Durability of Strain-Hardening Fibre-Reinforced Cement-Based Composites (SHCC) (RILEM State of the Art Reports)
Publisher: S/r | 2010 | ISBN: 9400703376 | PDF | 139 pages | 3.8 MB

Strain-Hardening Fibre-Reinforced Cement-Based Composites (SHCC) were named after their ability to resist increased tensile force after crack formation, over a significant tensile deformation range. The increased resistance is achieved through effective crack bridging by fibres, across multiple cracks of widths in the micro-range. Whether these small crack widths are maintained under sustained, cyclic or other load paths, and whether the crack width limitation translates into durability through retardation of ingress of moisture, gas and other deleterious matter, are scrutinized in this book by evaluation of test results from several laboratories internationally. The durability of SHCC under mechanical, chemical, thermal and combined actions is considered, both for the composite and the fibre types typically used in SHCC. The compilation of this state-of-the-art report has been an activity of the RILEM TC 208-HFC, Subcommittee 2: Durability, during the committee life 2005-2009.

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Failed Stone: Problems and Solutions with Concrete and Masonry [MF]

Unknown | 21:04 | 0 nhận xét
Patrick Loughran, "Failed Stone: Problems and Solutions with Concrete and Masonry"
Birkhäuser Basel | November 21, 2006 | ISBN: 3764373296 | 159 pages | PDF | 20,5 MB

Concrete and stone seem made to last forever. But the fact is they develop structural damage over time. While not always as dramatic as the collapse of a roof section at the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport in 2004, gradual changes also occur that may compromise a building's appearance and structure. These changes include efflorescence, thermal stress, material incompatibilities, corrosion, and impact. Failed Stone systematically analyzes cases of damage in contemporary international architecture and offers strategies for minimizing the risk of damage. Examples include such high-visibility structures as Finlandia Hall in Helsinki by Alvar Aalto, Renzo Piano's Parco della Musica in Rome, and the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington. In nine chapters, typical kinds of damage are explained and illustrated with real-world examples.

Download:  http://www.mediafire.com/?pbhb91549592rh
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